Monday, September 16, 2013

The Schoodic Peninsula and Bar Harbor

Yesterday, Sunday the 15th, we headed to the Schoodic Peninsula.  It is across the bay from Bar Harbor, about an hour drive from where we are.  We were told that this park was just as beautiful as the part close to us.  We didn't think that was possible.

Shot from a view point along the way.  Some other tourists were kind enough to take our picture for us.

The tide was way out



Nice rock just perfect for a rest. The rock had absorbed the heat from the sun.

I guess you can see why they say it is just as beautiful!


All this rock is granite.

Bar Harbor is in the background.

I told Rog not to jump!

 Small harbor of Milbridge, we stopped here and had a lobster roll!
There are so many really old (circa 1800) churches, just had to take a picture of this one.
Today, we headed back into Bar Harbor, to check out the village and do a little shopping.

The 4 masts belong to the Margaret Todd, we watched it motor out into the bay.

These cannons were used in the 1800's

Walking path along the shore.

 This house was amazing.
The pictures of the church below don't do it justice.

The stained glass windows were made by Tiffany.


Interesting store front.
This is a shot of the street.  It was a very busy day, Rog managed to find a moment when a car wasn't coming down the street.


This is supposed to be a lobster eating an ice cream, I didn't have one.
We've had two great days, not sure what we will do tomorrow yet.  But we do know our cat, Isaac, is enjoying having us back in the camper!

Hope everyone is having a great day!

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