Sunday, September 8, 2013

Our adventures continue, headed to Maine!

After a summer of home improvement projects, we were both ready and excited to hit the road!
We left September 7th, decided to stop by Mom and Paul's house for hugs and fresh produce!
They are 2 of the strongest most resilient people I know.  They've had a rough summer, but nothing can keep them down! So we stopped in Archbold, Ohio, blocked the road, and gave them hugs before we headed east. We love them dearly.
First stop was McKean, Pennsylvania. We chose this location because it is close to Presque Isle State Park.  Which Rog's brother Dave and wife Sally told us about.  We rolled in around 3pm and after getting set up I didn't want to cook, imagine that. So we headed into the borough of McKean.  There was a restaurant with a  smokehouse called Six Pack advertised in the KOA campground flyer we wanted to check out.  We stopped and filled up with diesel and asked the clerk and the local policeman if they knew anything about it.  Neither of them did, but told us they thought there was a store called Six Pack up the road.  Not to be daunted by such unimpressive of a review, we went in search of it.
This is what it looked like on the outside, but, what you can't tell is the wonderful smell that was coming from this building.  Have you ever grilled/smoked something and you just knew it was good?  Well that is what it smelled like! The place was packed so we got our food to go.
They even sold one of our favorite Oregon beers from Full Sail.

There were at least 2 cups of pulled pork on each sandwich, it melted in our mouths!
Today we headed to Presque Isle State park.  It's only a 15 minute drive from our campground.  This park is basically a 10 mile loop road on a peninsula. It sits just off the bay of Erie, PA with Lake Erie to the north. There was a tall ships festival going on in Erie, but unfortunately, the camera on my cell didn't do the ships justice. There were bike paths following the loop road and many people out enjoying the gorgeous afternoon.

It was VERY windy!
Even got a shot of a lighthouse built in 1827.

and, a life guard on duty...or so the sign said, but it looked like he was asleep...

There was a monument to Navy Admiral William Perry, his famous quote was "don't give up the ship" I tried to get a picture of a flag with that. He defeated the British in the war of 1812 at the battle of Put-N-Bay, I think it said :)

We enjoyed Presque Isle, tomorrow we are off to Unadilla, NY.  Just as stop over.  Then to St Johnsbury, Vermont!  I'm excited about that.  Never been to Vermont!  I probably won't update the blog again till then.  Till next time..

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