Friday, February 22, 2013

The almost caverns, and beach time

We drove over an hour to Florida Caverns state park on Wednesday to tour some caves...guess what, no tours on Wednesdays!  Oh well, we took a nice hike through the park. Interesting landscape, this area is the direct result of water's effect on limestone and lots of native trees. The area is rich in history too, native Florida indian tribes, (including Seminole), used the above ground limestone caves to hide from the invading white man.  I was hoping to spy an alligator,,but no such luck.  Some areas did look swampy to me, but I guess it wasn't.

Yesterday we spent the morning on the beach here at the park we are staying at.  Watching the waves crash, the sandpipers, the gulls and Rog searched for shells.  Then we headed West in search of fresh shrimp from a seafood market.  Biggest darn shrimp I've ever seen and they tasted great too!  I've also included a couple pictures of our "eagle" and campsite.
Hope you are all well!
Supposed to be raining the next 3 days so probably not much to post about.

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