Wednesday, February 27, 2013

5 miles to a Rueben and Neccessisty is the Mother of Invention

We woke to sunshine yesterday so we decided to go for a bike ride.  We were anxious to be "out" and do something!  This state park is on a state road that follows the coast line and goes through 4 or 5 small beach towns. Biking and walking is a big thing here.  Which is cool with us. There is a paved bike trail that runs from one end of this state road to the other, where it connects with the major divided highway.  We headed West,,why?  Because I wanted the wind at my back on the way back!
You can't see the coastline all the way, but we had glimpses of it, lots of big, fancy, expensive condos.  The remnants of the previous days of rain was evident, lots of swollen creeks. It was a beautiful ride and it just felt good to be getting some excercise.  After 5 miles, I though I probably better be heading back, Rog agreed so we turned around..well,,,we were thirsty and right there was..
Johnny McTighe's Irish Pub,,,it was after 11 :)
SO, we pulled over and went inside.  We werent' overly hungry,,but since we were going to indulge in a beverage we ordered a rueben sandwich to share. Oh my goodness, that sandwich was fabulous!  We thanked our waitress, Ashley, profusely.
So, if you are ever on route 30A in Blue Mountain Beach, Florida, stop at Johnny McTighe's Irish Pub and have one!
We finished up our 10 mile total ride and promptly took a nap!

Later we decided to head over to the beach to see how the high winds and rain had affected the shore.
If you remember some of our previous posts, I think you will be surprised at the change in view.
The winds were crazy strong, probably between 25 and 30 mph.  The waves were well over 10 feet, and breaking on the beach at 5 feet.  This was high tide and there was virtually no beach to sit on.  The sea gulls could barely stand up right.  We had brought our lounge chairs to sit on, because we thought we would relax and enjoy the view.  Got them set up and we were both shivering because the winds were so strong.  Rog had an idea!
He went and got a vinyl tablecloth out of the truck and we used that as a wind break behind us!  We lasted for about an half hour and we decided to head back to our camper..  Those waves were amazing.  We've already talked this morning that we need to go back and see how much it has changed now.
The picture below I took the day before as the storm was just starting to roll in.  You can see those dark blue clouds rolling in.

Today, we plan to ride our bikes East for awhile.   I need to call some of the other state parks we want to visit to see if we can get to them, do to the flooding. 
Our neighbor, Jo,  emailed us to make sure we weren't in Tampa yet.  I guess Tampa had a tornado!
So, all in all I guess we have been pretty lucky staying out of mother nature's rath!
Finally, Andre says..  "enough already woman, get off that laptop"

1 comment:

  1. Wow a 10 mile bike ride! I'd say the sandwich and beer were definitely well deserved:-) Looks like the cats have adjusted well too. Hope the eastward bike ride was just as fun!
