Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Shock and Awe

No weapons of mass destruction,,,
We were up bright and early Monday, 5:30 to be exact.  We were both excited to be headed to the "water" of the gulf coast!
No issues with the drive, took us about 6 hours.  Found the state park without issue, when we pulled up to our site, I noticed that someone had left a bright table cloth on the picnic table and there was what looked like a happy birthday sign on the power hook up box.,,,  I thought, "this is odd",,anyway,,,we began our set up, which takes at least an hour.  There are stabilizers to be set, wheel chocks, power, water and sewer to be connected.  When I was putting in one of the wheel chocks, I noticed that on the colorful picnic table cover, which said "congratulations" not happy birthday, a card was taped.  I looked and it was addressed to us!  I opened it and our cousins The Shafer's had sent us a card and must have had the park people decorate our site for us! How thoughtful of them to do that for us!  I told Rog and we laughed, they are so special to us and they are the ones who got us started in camping.
Once we were all set up we came in side to sit down and rest,,,that set up procedure and driving 6 hours wears you out when you are "old"  :)

Then,,,,here comes the SHOCK....there is a tap at the door...we thought, who the heck is knocking,,
I got up went to the door, didn't see anyone, said "Hello"...opened the door and there hiding was our cousins!  Yes,,, they planned it,,,7 months ago!  We are so glad they are here to share the week with us!

Now,,,for the Awe!
It is absolutely gorgeous here!

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