Monday, February 25, 2013

Rainy Days..

Even though it has been raining for several days off and on, we have managed to stay busy.
Friday we did some shopping and had lunch at a Fudpuckers...I kid you not, that is what it is called.  Sort of like a Joe's Crab shack if you've ever been to one of those.  They had live baby alligators in a pond out front!  There are only 3 of these in the country and they are all on the Florida panhandle.  It was fun and the food was great.  We played some board games with Kennen and Terri Friday evening.
Saturday it was pouring and we felt bad for them because they were headed north, back to Indiana.  We donned our rain gear and went out to wish them a safe journey.  It was just wonderful having them down here with us! 
Saturday afternoon we headed West to Eglin AFB which is close to Fort Walton Beach. We visited the museum there.

There were over 20 planes on display outside, everything from WWI to present day.  The museum itself was amazing.  Very interesting.  Alot of history.  We were there several hours.  We headed home and enjoy an evening while listening to the rain.
Sunday morning there was a break in the rain, so we headed out.  I had researched and thought I'd found a lighthouse a few hours away.  Close to Port StJoseph.  We stopped for a beach walk, a gift shop and investigated Tyndall AFB's RV campground.  Drove all the way out to a peninsula....
We never found the lighthouse!  I was really bummed.  We even asked a park ranger...oh yes she said,,,2nd curve back on your right....yeah,,, lighthouse! It started raining on the way back and by the time we got home it was pouring again.  It poured all night long, there are flood warnings too.  We are fine though, no worries here.  We did talk about how awful it would be to spring a many campers experience that, and what the heck would they do?

I have some pictures to add, buy I think the rain is causing some issues with the internet connection..

I think today will be a good book day.

Tomorrow, who knows...we would still like to visit Ponce De Leon park, there is still time we don't leave here till Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Are you going to swim in the "fountain of youth" springs? They are supposed to be 68 degrees year around ... that's bath water in northern Indiana!
