Thursday, February 28, 2013

I swear, it's just around the bend...

Yesterday we headed East on our bikes.  It was a beautiful sunny day, not to hot, right at 65. When we had driven to Panama Beach, we drove through a town that was quite different from any other towns we had seen.  It was obvious that it was a Resort (with a capital R) town for the wealthy. Not only did it ooze $$ but it appeared very sterile.  Everything was green or stark white.  Anyway, we decided we wanted to make this town our destination so we could get a picture of the palm trees lining the main street.  We were pretty sure it was about a mile farther then we had ridden the day before which would make our round trip ride about 12 miles, which sounded perfect.

This is what the bike path looks like, when you aren't in a town,,
And here is one of a bay leading out to the ocean
After we had ridden about 5 miles, we came to the town of Seaview, we stopped at a vacant lot overlooking the ocean and took this from the steps leading down to the beach.
It was magnificant!
About this time, I'm beginning to think that our "resort" town is just around the corner, we've gone over 5 miles.  I keep watching, each time we turn a corner, then we go through another town...and another up hill peddle, still no "resort" town.
We were passing mile markers and when we realized we had ridden 8 miles, I was starting to get discouraged,,,I wasn't sure how much farther we should ride.  It had been a couple years since I'd ridden this far. Few years back we used to ride 30 miles and be fine, but I'm out of shape now, I need some remedial riding first.  But, we were determined to find our Palm trees so on we went.
At 9 miles we found it!
This is a picture of the "Jetson" house (so we named it)
and a gazebo, just sitting out there on a hill overlooking the gulf, at least a foot ball field away from any houses
Now, you are all wondering did I make it back, aren't you, or did I beg Rog to ride back and come pick me up in the truck?  (you were thinking that weren't you!)
We stopped in a nice small town, had a hot dog and a frozen yogurt and some water.  We peddled on and 4 hours later we rolled into our park.  Not bad 18 miles in 4 hours with an hour to rest.
Once we were home we relaxed outside in our lounge chairs, we met our neighbors Linda and Dave from Bay City, Michigan.  They have been coming down here to the Florida Panhandle to spend their winters for 7 years now!  They told us about a local restaurant called the Hurricane Oyster Bar.
So,, we thought why not!  I even ate the oysters!
It was the perfect ending to a wonderful day!
And just in case you are wondering, we slept well last night and we can both walk today :)




  1. Kudos to you for an 18 mile bike ride! It has been along time since we've done that. That town does look a little fake/sterile. So what did you think of the oysters? :-)

    1. They were pan fried oysters used on top of nachos with a special sweet/spicy type of salsa! Very yummy!
