Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hi Friends, it's been a while!

Sometimes you just get busy,,,,sometimes you just get lazy...sometimes you would just rather stare at the view :)

This past Thursday we decided to go visit the USS Lexington, CV class US Carrier which is now a museum and anchored in the bay at Corpus Christi.  This ship went into service in 1943 and was decommissioned in 1991.  It had many years of service.

These planes were inside the carrier.  Others were on the flight deck.

Roger had to WALK the plank!
That big round disc is the steering wheel!

Memorial to Texas natives who lost their lives in Vietnam inside the ship.
The USS Lexington was very interesting and we enjoyed our day there. 
Friday we headed to the Padre Island National Seashore.  It is a 60 mile stretch of natural habitat, mostly sand dunes and beach.

We walked the beach for hours, picking up sea shells, taking pictures and had our standard, peanut butter crackers and water lunch on the beach! 
That is the national park office in the background.

It was surprising again to see people just driving on the beach.  We drove for a mile or so just to see what it was like.

Even saw a sand castle and the only flowers I've seen so far are these little yellow ones.

Later that night we decided to try a local restaurant located on the bay.  Snoopy's Pier.

The food was excellent, the company was the best and the view wasn't bad either!
Sometime in the past few days...I can't remember when,, we took a walk along the outer edge of the Naval Air Station.  Which meant more seashells and beautiful views.

We are very grateful the weather improved.  It's been over 70 for 4 days and sunny.  We've taken a few bike rides, Rog has been fishing with Sherman,,,he is right now as a matter of fact :)
Only disappointment is we were planning to head to South Padre Island on Monday to visit our neighbors Deb, Bernie, Rex and Terri, who are vacationing there.  Unfortunately, we had some problems with our truck and we are not going to be able to make that side trip.  Just one of things you learn to deal with, but you do have to watch your budget and plan accordingly.
Since we are traveling in our "home" there is always home maintenance issues too.  Like this morning I discovered we have a cracked window.  Now we need to figure out how to get that fixed or at least protected until we can get back to Elkhart to get it replaced.  Even though we are having the time of our lives, exploring and enjoying the sunshine, the reality is life still happens :)
Until next time, stay warm and we miss you all!

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