Saturday, February 22, 2014

Flora and Fauna

Greetings, we have been exploring some Texas natural habitat. Last Wednesday we headed to the Aransas National Wildlife refuge.  Supposed to be home to thousands of migrating whooping cranes,,,or so the flyer said.  We think maybe we saw one, but aren't real sure.  We did have a bobcat or a lynx run in front of us on the drive back to the park.  Which was cool, never seen one in the wild.  We thought it was a little odd that they advertised the fact you would be able to see an alligator close to the visitors center.  Sure enough, they had a fenced off section of what looked like a creek with several signs that said "beware of the alligator".  He wasn't very big.  However, when we started hiking back on one of the trails we saw probably a dozen of them just lounging on the muddy creek bank.  No more then 6 -8 feet from us.  No signs, no fences.  Go figure.

This was probably one of the largest around 8 foot long.
The flyer also mentioned armadillo's and several species of birds.  Don't know if it was so dry or too hot, but we only saw a few egrets and herons.  We had a nice two hour hike though and that's always good.
On the way back we stopped in Rockport a beach town that is heavily into fishing and tourism.  Real cute town, wouldn't mind going back there.  We had lunch at Moondog's.

Right on the gulf.  We watched the fishing vessels come in and enjoyed our meal. 

The décor was very casual as you can see, but I must admit, I've never seen a barstool like their's...
Couldn't resist taking a shot of this fishing vessel.

Yesterday, Friday, we took a short drive to the South Texas Botanical Gardens.  Unfortunately, it was too early for the Hummingbird Garden, Butterfly house and several of the spring flowers weren't in bloom yet.  It was still worth the trip though.  Just take a look at these pictures!

Do you believe the size of this aloe plant?!

the orchids were amazing!
Sam the cockatoo

I think this was the macaw.


this couch was painted concrete

They even had an orange tree,,Rog had to try one.
Very tiny oranges

and VERY sour!
We really enjoyed the garden.  There were even some roses in bloom.  I bet it is amazing in another month. 
Rog has been fishing, I've been riding my bike and reading.  We have one more week here.  I think we will probably go back over to Padre Island.  Want to check out Port Aransas one more time.


  1. We saw those kinds of plants and more all over Big Bend National Park. Amazing! Nice iguana by the way:-)

  2. Nice iguana ... but no relation of mine that I know of :) Maybe a distant cousin.

    So, I see there has been a whole lot of "fishing" going on, how about catching?
