Monday, February 10, 2014

Did you think we got lost?

Not quite, it's been awhile though since we've posted to the blog.  We've had several days of crummy weather, at least for Texas standards.  The normal temp here is 65 in February.  We had two days of 30's with 20+ mph winds.  Didn't go out those days!  And believe me our fifth wheel was feeling those 20mph winds!

Last week we did drive over to Padre Island and checked out Port Aransas. Found one of two brew pubs in the area and had a nice lunch.  The calamari was sooo good!

Then we found the gulf water!  There were people in their campers right on the beaches!  I've never seen that before.  Didn't get a picture there, it was so cold, we were bundled up but it wasn't enough.
Further down the coast is Mustang Island State Park.  Nice small park.  No one on the beach but us.


These are picnic tables underneath pergolas to shade the beach goers from all the sun.  What sun?

Lots and lots of shells though!
We were so cold when we got back to our campground.  We were glad we had a furnace and 2 space heaters!
We've also driven over to downtown Corpus Christi, followed Ocean Drive in past all the beautiful homes that face the bay.  It looks like a really nice city on the water front.  Walked a marina and that's about it.  We do want to see a couple things in town, but are waiting for some sunshine.
Yesterday morning we spotted a coyote in the field behind us.  He is sort of hard to make out, but he's there.
We met a couple from Missouri, Sherman and Sally.  They were having trouble with their tv antenna and Rog came to their rescue.  Sherman invited Rog to go dock fishing today.  We woke up to fog so thick, I didn't think they would go,,but nothing keeps a fisherman down.

Even when the fish aren't biting!
Not sure what tomorrow will bring.  Supposed to be raining and 40's.  Maybe Rog will go fishing again and catch us a nice big Red Snapper....maybe :)
Until next time, stay warm up there in the frozen tundra they call Indiana!

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