Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sunshine and jungle safari, or at least it felt like it..

We've really enjoyed our stay here in Lakeland!  Mostly because we have been able to spend time with the Criswell's.
Unfortunately, this photo is missing a few of them...I goofed and didn't get a picture on Sunday.  So, sorry Destiny (also sorry if I've spelled your name wrong), Gramm and Johnny.  Baby Drake is a sweetheart and has everyone wrapped around his little finger!

Monday morning we realized that we needed to have our trucks brakes looked at.  Not something you want to have happen when you are on  trip like this, but we were very lucky.  The Criswell's recommended their mechanic.  He was an "old school" mechanic.  Ran his business from under huge shade trees and a shed!  Mr Carburetor was his name,,,I'm serious!

Anyway, that was pretty much our Monday, I did laundry and Rog waited on the truck.  We enjoyed an evening with the Criswell's and played Euchre!

Tuesday, we headed out for a bike ride through the nature preserves here at SanLan.
After 3 or 4 miles we decided we would go back to our camper and have some lunch and then set out on foot to the bird sanctuary.

This is what our campsite looks like.

We hiked about 5 miles, you would never know you were only a few miles from a major freeway!  We felt like we were on safari in a jungle.We saw egrets, cormarans, herons, buzzards, ibis and several song birds.  Alligators were in the swampy areas around us and we kept a close eye on them while they kept a close watch on us!  Rog saw a snake in the water and later we found a snake skin on the path,,,I'm not talking garden snakes,,this was BIG.
It was hot, 75, and by afternoon we were ready to head back.  We aren't used to this much sunshine!

Having some issues with getting pictures to download, so I will post some more from our "safari" tomorrow.
Today we are headed over to Clearwater to spend the day walking the beach!
Hope everyone is well!

1 comment:

  1. Hope the brakes are all better on the truck! Your "safari" sounds pretty cool! Just about like the Everglades were when Ivan and I were down there:-)
