Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lakeland to Clearwater

Yesterday we drove west to the gulf coast to the town of Clearwater.  Clearwater beach is on an island,,,one bridge crosses from the major interstate to the beach.  We managed to get stuck in traffic and a one hour drive ended up being two and a half.  It was VERY windy again yesterday, and we didn't think of that before deciding to visit the beach.  After seeing the Florida panhandle side of the gulf we think we prefer it to this side.  Clearwater was HUGE and very developed, didn't have the "beach town" feel to it.  I'm sure it is a packed during high tourist season.  Here are a few pictures from the beach itself.

We had dinner with the Criswell's last night and learned to play the card game Golf.  I've discovered I am neither good at the on the green or the one on the table :)  But, it was fun!
Today, we toured Southern Florida University which is where Cathy C. works.  Beautiful, small liberal arts college.  The majority of the buildings were designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
This evening will be our last get together with them, as we head to Tallahassee tomorrow. Saturday, Gulfport, Mississippi, where we will meet up with our neighbors from Elkhart, Bernie and Deb W.
Sunday is Iowa, Lousiana and finally we arrive in San Antonio on Monday the 11th!  We are both looking forward to getting there.  Rog went to basic training in San Antonio and there are alot of places he wants me to see.  So, we probably won't "blog" again till Monday.
Oh, and I promised more pictures from our "safari" here at SanLan.  We have really enjoyed our stay here!
Rog in his safari outfit,,,no, we didn't buy it specifically for this occasion :)

In the center of this, there is an alligator,,,pretty hard to see I know, but he's there.
Oh, and here is a shart boat from the Clearwater bay.

and, a pirate ship..
Yo HO Maties, until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Argh! Me likes the Pirate ship is she for sale? I got the duds now I just need the appropriate vessel to plunder the high seas.
