Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Back Home again,,,in Indiana

We are back all safe and sound.  Arrived Sunday evening.  Took us 4 days to cross Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky. 
This is the sunrise as we left Texas.
We drove over 300 miles a day, which is really fine for 1 day, but 4 in a row is not our cup of tea.
We didn't make it in time to say "goodbye" to Uncle John.  In our hearts we believe he knew we loved him.
Uncle John's funeral was yesterday.  It was a beautiful service and almost all the family was there.
Took this picture at the luncheon afterward of the cousins. Sons and daughters of Elwynn and Janice.
Now, it is back to reality.  Rog and I both feel like we were in a dream state.  Doing different things everyday, seeing new places.  We have another big trip planned for early September, we are headed to Maine!  There will be other shorter trips through the summer with our RVing buddies the Shafers and hopefully we will get our grandsons to tagalong at some point or another.  The other excursion on the agenda, hopefully, is we want to take Rog's Mom and Step Dad to the Badlands of SD. 
For now it is laundry, yardwork, once the weather actually feels like Spring and some home improvement projects that were put on hold.
Until the next time my friends!
God Bless
Rog and Nita, Grabnlife

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