Monday, October 13, 2014

Low-Key Hideaway in Cedar Key, Florida

This is the view from the rear of our trailer.  We are staying at Low-Key Hideway, in Cedar Key,FL.
Yes, that is our own private deck overlooking the bay.  Yes, we are spoiled!
It's about time for us to pack up and head East.  We have thoroughly enjoyed our stay here.  We feel as though we've known the owners, Pat and Cindy Bonish for years.  They have been the most helpful and friendly hosts we have ever come across.  Pat even parked our rig for us! Their assistant manager Amber was very helpful too. This is a very small waterfront motel and rv resort.  Only 5 motel rooms and 3 rv spaces, with a Tiki Bar.
We've toured the small harbor town of Cedar Key, population 720.  The main source of commerce is clamming, fishing and tourism.  We took an air boat ride with Capt Mike and 1st Mate Connie of Tidewater Tours.  Which was an absolute blast.  We fit in a 3 mile hike through a wildlife scrub reserve.  Every evening we've capped off our day with a cold beverage at the Tiki Bar and listened to stories from the local people and the owners.  The four days have gone very fast. 
And now for the pictures!
Relaxing on our deck.

Garden behind the motel rooms.

Haven't found out what kind of tree this is but the flowers look like pom poms.

The sign says "Welcome to the Institute of Low Key"
Yes, those are bottles.  Pat and Cindy used all recycled materials to build their Tiki Bar.

Pat at work.

We enjoyed our evenings visiting with Heidi, Cutter, Ben, Jay and Kelly and many other local people.

same shot as one below, one day one night

View from the dock.

That would be my cold beverage, with our trailer in the background.
This would be me with my cold beverage :)
And now for the sunsets....
Just at dusk... Pat and Cindy grounded that boat you see on the left on purpose to be used by migratory birds and a warning to fellow boaters as to how shallow it gets at low tide.




I don't ever think there can be too many sunset pictures, do you?
Cedar Key, Main St. on the harbor


this is an air boat.  600 horse power corvette engine.

Rog is checking it out.

We had front row seats.  Heading out.

Rog was really grinning ear to ear when Mike hit the gas.

In the center, you can make out an alligator.  (that's not my foot)  I think they lady next to me thought the alligator would stay away if she lifted her foot.

A lack of water didn't stop us we just powered through the mud.  We both wore some of that mud.
We came across Captain A.J. with his boat.  High and dry.  He got stranded in low tide.  It can happen to anyone.

There were a total of 8 of us on the boat.

What a ride!  This is Captain Mike and Connie.  We saw all kinds of migratory birds and the alligator.
 And because you always like to see the creepy stuff, that is a very LARGE spider next to our deck.

our walk through the Cedar Key scrub preserve.


We were supposed to watch out for bob cats and tortoise.  We only saw this steer and

This tiny green snake, very tiny. I think the spider could have eaten him.
It was good exercise though and very hot.
Tomorrow we head to Jacksonville NAS.
We would like to thank Pat and Cindy for their hospitality.
They are both professional nature photographers by trade, who fell in love with Cedar Key.  They traveled North America for 3 years taking pictures for  Their work is amazing.
Till next time,,,,keep Grabnlife!


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