Saturday, March 8, 2014

This post brought to you by...

Anita and I, yes, the lovely lady sitting next to me is Anita too, have been friends a LONG time,,,I think since I was 12.  In fact there wouldn't be a Rog and Nita without Anita. She introduced us. So you can imagine how important our friendship is :)
Anita and Dave live in Austin.  We have been promising them we would come to visit for years.  We finally made it last week.  There were 2 things that brought us to Texas,  one, we wanted to see if we liked the Texas gulf coast as much as we like the Florida panhandle coast.  Two, our friends, Anita and Dave and Leo and Thelma, they live close to Dallas, which is where we are headed next.
The first morning we woke up outside of Austin, we found 1/4 inch of ice on our truck...
Anita told us it never does this in Austin in March.  I guess we just brought old man winter with us.
Anita chauffeured us all over Austin, we appreciate that, because, Austin is one HUGE city and our beloved truck is certainly not ideal in close quarter, high traffic areas.
We visited Mount Bonnell, which over looks Lake Austin, looks like a river to us, but who are we to question.  We took a nice walk here and enjoyed the outdoors.

Roger is trying to explain something.

There is some BIG money down there in those houses.
You could see Austin from up here, but it was too far away for a good picture.  We met Dave for lunch at a very swanky Italian restaurant.  It was yummy!
Next day we took another walk at Wild Basin park.  The trail we were on promised a waterfall at the end, but we had to leave so we could meet Dave for Texas barbeque for lunch.

Anita took us to a HUGE Whole Foods store in downtown Austin. I believe it might have covered a city block.  Even had underground parking and escalators!  It was a destination all itself.  Could have spent hours in there.  We toured Austin by car.  Saw the infamous 6th street with saloon/bar one right after the other.  Saw the state capitol and the famous Driscoll hotel.
We enjoyed our stay in Austin, but were more excited that we were headed to Fredericksburg with Anita and Dave.  Today is Saturday, got here yesterday afternoon.  Love this town.  Lots of history, quaint downtown with shops and restaurants galore.  Admiral Nimitz was born here.  And of course the Johnsons, as in president.  We are staying at Lady Bird Johnson Park as a matter of fact.  Anyway, yesterday afternoon we headed to Enchanted Rock, about 20 miles from here.   Little did we know what we were about to do!

We climbed to the top, 1,835 ft is the total height of the rock, 425 ft in .6 miles up!

Anita and Dave brought Milo too!

Almost there!

We made it!  Of course then that meant we had to work our way down!
Next we took the Echo Canyon trail and the Loop Trail.  We think we walked around 4 miles.  Some of that was made for mountain goats!

Smile Milo!

It's just around the corner....I swear :)
Last night we went into town for dinner and went to Fredericksburg Brewing.

We were starved and really enjoyed our meal.  It was a perfect day, enjoying nature and good friends!
Sunset from our site.
Today, I think we are going to tour town some more.  Tomorrow we are off bright and early, headed to Eisenhower State Park which is on the Texas/Oklahoma border for a few days before heading to Leo and Thelma's.
We want to thank Dave and Anita for their hospitality and their friendship most of all!
Until next time...


1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys saw some beautiful places and did a great hike! Have fun at Lake Texoma:-)
