Saturday, March 15, 2014

and then there was one..

Greetings everyone,
Only one week left to go on our journey.  We are headed home next week, should be home on Monday the 24th. Taking our time along the way.  We are both ready to return and maybe we can bring some warm weather and sunshine back to northern Indiana!

Last week we left Fredericksburg, Tx and headed north to Eisenhower State Park on the Oklahoma Texas border.
We've got a couple pictures from Fredericksburg that didn't make the blog last time that are worth showing you now.
First, this is the actual original hospital in downtown Fredericksburg, built in the 1800's.  Many of the buildings were from that time period.  That was one of the reasons this town was so appealing, it was a good way to preserve history and utilize the beautiful old structures at the same time.

This next picture we just couldn't resist including him in our blog.  The "rocker" of Fredericksburg!
There were several other "statues" in the store, including one that actually had a working flame thrower!  I know, nuts, right, but I'm sure someone will buy it.
On our last day in Fredericksburg, we toured the National Museum of the Pacific War.  If you are ever in the area it is well worth an afternoon. We also visited a local shop that specialized in locally made foods, everything from jalapeno peanut butter (Rog bought some) and roasted blueberry chipotle dipping sauce, yummy!  Almost every product in this store, salsa, marinades, packaged mixes, etc, was available to try.  Loved that store!
We had a nice drive north to Eisenhower state park, other then the last 15 miles on US 75. Holy cow, it was like being on a log wagon.  We recommend Eisenhower SP, but not this section of US 75.  It shook loose our window blinds and glass lampshades.  Thankfully, Rog is very resourceful and was able to reattach everything. 
Eisenhower SP is on Lake Texoma.  Which was created by the US Army Corp of Engineers in 1944 when they dammed the Red River, creating the 89,000 acre Lake.  We had two great days of hiking.  If you are ever looking for a place to go camping, fishing or hiking, add this to your list.
Our campsite.  Most Texas parks have their campsites with pull thru loops, which is very nice.

Through the woods,,,to the lake...

Beautiful isn't it..
This is the parks swimming beach, with sand.

That is a cave in the side of that cliff.  Texas is in a drought situation, so the water level in the lake is down at least 6 feet.
Please don't judge our appearance, we'd been hiking for hours!  Hey, we are smiling though.

This is the dam outside of the park boundary.
Eisenhower State Park opened in 1958 and was created to honor Dwight David Eisenhower the 34th President, who was born in Denison, just minutes from the park.

Texas is full of history, we've only touched on the surface.  Had no clue that Eisenhower or Nimitz were from Texas.  Knew about Bush and Johnson.  Didn't know the impact Stephen Austin had on creating the state.  We've learned a lot.  I'm sure there is a lot more to learn, just not for us this trip.  The day before we were to leave the park we wanted to find a different way to head south toward Dallas.  Didn't want to get back on the evil US 75.  Stopped in at the park office and the wonderful ladies gave us directions on how to take a Farm to Market road.  Bless those women!  By the way, when we say Farm to Market road, you probably visualize a cow path, heck no,, they are sometimes 4 lanes and usually over 60 mph!  Everything is bigger and faster in Texas!

We are now in The Colony, Texas.  Staying at Hidden Cove RV park.  If you ever need a place to set down your trailer/motor home, close to Dallas, this is the place.  It's a little tricky to find, but well worth it.

Leo and Thelma Baker are the reason we are here.  Leo used to work with Rog at Memorial, many years ago.  We've kept in touch over the years.  They are wonderful friends and we are so glad we decided to add them to our itinerary. Their hospitality has been amazing, Thelma can put together a fantastic brunch! 

Here's to Leo and Thelma!  We wish we lived closer together!

We are headed out on Tuesday morning.  Stopping in Texarkana, West Memphis, Cave City and Columbus, In.  Why Columbus, you might ask...well,,,the place where we store our fifth wheel, RV Connection is closed on Sundays, and the place where we usually leave our unit outside their gate is still covered in mounds of snow.  So we added a stop and will come in on Monday the 24th.

It's been a great 2 months.  Learned a lot, enjoyed the views and most of all enjoyed seeing our friends.

Take care and see you all soon!

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