Monday, September 3, 2018

Maine part 2

Tomorrow we leave for Vermont!  Thought we would take a few to catch you up on what weve been up to the last few days. 
We spent one day riding on the carriage roads inside Acadia Nat Pk.  There are over 30 miles of these roads that are only for bicyclists and hikers.  We only managed to get in 12 miles, but we still enjoyed it.

After making it up one particular hill we were a little out of breath.....

This is Eagle Lake

It was a wonderful ride and we enjoyed the views and the work out!

Next day we made the trek up to the summit of Cadillac Mountain.  It is the highest point within 25 miles of the North American continent, 1530 ft.

Rog is looking down on Eagle lake, the one we rode around the day before.

Kennen and Terri our travelin buddies

Later that evening we decided to drive back up to the summit and see what the sunset looked like.


You can just make out the lights of Bar Harbor.

Yesterday we headed over to the Schoodic Peninsula, which is part of the National park.  

Kennen and Terri are looking for whales....well, sort of..
This guy was pointing at a pod of dolphins

Yes, that's Anita .... crazy lady

We've had a great time in Maine. Tonight we are going out for lobster, again, surprising you say,,,no, not so much.  Anyway, tomorrow it's time to move on.  We will update you on our travels in a few days.
Hope all of you are well and happy!
Rog and Nita

1 comment:

  1. I'm still watching and reading your adventures!

    So happy for you!

    Casey Hendrickson
