Friday, October 9, 2015

DC, part 2

We have enjoyed our 2 weeks here in the DC area.  We are old pros now at riding the Metro.  We haven't gotten lost in town or the few times we've ventured out toward the bay area.  We weathered the heavy rain these people refer to as a Nor'Easter, which lasted about 3 days.

On one of our rainy days we met Rog's step sister Jerri and her husband John for lunch in a suburb of DC.  It was a great meal and fun to get together with them.

Next day, after the heavy rains had ended we headed out toward the bay to check out Calvert Cliffs State park.  We were curious to see what the coast line looked like (from the hurricane).

It was a nice 2 mile walk through the woods to the waterfront

 Interesting chair carved from the fallen tree

 Check out the twisted tree in the center of the marsh
 Beaver home in the center of the picture
We believe beavers did this

Once we reached the water, we were a little taken back by the wind and the surf.

We were told by some other folks who were there that usually there is a nice beach to walk

 That's Anita trying to stay vertical in the blowing wind

Rog through the cat tails

Now, going to take days out of order and show you what this exact same location looked like just yesterday...

Now, there is a beach but at least 200 ft of it are still under water

This park is known for a good location to find shark teeth and fossils

So, we looked,,,with no luck.  Two young women took pity on us and gave us a shark tooth they had found :)

Beautiful, calm water

We met this very nice couple from the area.  We walked with them most of the way out to the shore.  They had all sorts of suggestions of places we should visit.  They were originally from Michigan.

We are always on the lookout for critters.  This day was no exception...

In the center of the picture, do you see a blue tail, that is a Blue Tailed Skink

Yes, another snake....They must like us...although this is a copperhead and they are poisonous.  We gave him plenty of room.

There were two, about 3 feet long

We enjoyed this park and it was certainly interesting to compare it with two entirely different days.

Our next trip back into DC included visiting the Air and Space Museum and the American Indian Museum.


Hubble telescope

replica of Wright brothers plane

 Cool mural and engines
Took a ton of pictures in the Air and Space museum...won't bore you with all of them.

The American Indian museum was a disappointment to us.  We did walk through, spent some time reading about the treaties that were entered into between different tribes and the government.  We had hoped there would be artifacts.

A side note we might mention is we tried to leave for the metro station after rush hour (10am) and return no later then 3pm.  Metro is packed during rush hours.  Speaking of the metro, here is a shot of it.  Sort of like a subway. Lots and lots of people.

Just outside the L'Enfant Plaza station we would see at least 30 food trucks.  You talk about different aromas!

 It appeared that the majority of the folks that work in DC partake from these food trucks

Next day we went back and walked from L'Enfant Plaza to the Lincoln Memorial and back.  This walk included stops at the Washington Monument, World War II Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Korean War Memorial and Vietnam Memorial.  It was about a 5 mile walk day, but a good one.

As we were walking up to the Washington Monument, we were redirected by police..

Yep, the President went by...that's his motorcade.  Thought it was cool Rog was able to get this picture.

View from the Washington Monument toward the WWII Memorial and Lincoln Monument

 There was an Honor Flight Ceremony going on when we stopped.  This is when family/friends sponsor to bring in veterans from their areas to be recognized at an official ceremony

There is one column for each state

Two of the honorees

 This veteran was being interviewed
This little guy was totally oblivious to all that was going on around him, he was only interested in the water..

So true...

Next stop Lincoln Memorial

Taken between the columns back toward the Washington Monument.

Taken from the back of the memorial toward the Marine Corp Iwo Jima Memorial,,way far away
Road across the river to Arlington, taken from the back of the memorial

Next stop Vietnam Memorial

Rog is looking for a name of someone he knew from high school

Terry Dickeroff

So lifelike

Next was the Korean War Memorial.  These statues are life size and you almost feel like they might talk to you

This one in particular looks as though he is trying to warn you to stay back

It was a good day and we really were moved by all the places we visited.  Our feet were tired but that was ok.

Next time we went into the city headed to Arlington.  This involved changing trains, but we did it!

View from Kennedy's grave toward the city

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  We were lucky enough to catch a wreath laying ceremony

This particular one involved some more Honor Flight Veterans

 View of the Unknown Soldier Memorial from the rear

  Happened upon a funeral grave site ceremony with full military honors

End of ceremony this bagpiper played Amazing Grace

The three spires in the center are the Air Force Memorial.  We wanted to visit it, but couldn't manage it logistically, so we took the picture from Arlington

This is the Women's Memorial at the entrance to Arlington

We were there several hours.  Arlington is a very special place.  Arlington is the final resting place of over 400,000 service men and women and their families. There are approximately 25-30 funerals every week day.

Now we are getting ready to head to North Carolina on Sunday.  Looking forward to seeing the Outer Banks!

Take care everyone!

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