Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Where did the month go?

We are back!

We left you in Maine, that was a while back.  Since then we visited St Johnsbury, Vermont; Westport, NY (close to Lake Placid); Watkins Glen, NY; Hocking Hills, Ohio.

Unfortunately, connectivity was an issue and we weren't able to post along the way.  So, here goes the MEGA blog post!

St Johnsbury, Vermont.  Upper state Vermont, close to the White Mtns of New Hampshire.  We were only there a few days, but we did hit a Maple Sugar house, Cabot Cheese factory and Ben and Jerry's factory.  Brought home lots of yummy cheese.  We stayed at Moose River campground, great place.

Chillin' by the campfire

Next, we headed east to Charlotte, Vermont to catch a ferry across Lake Champlain, that's right, we put our rig on a ferry!

After a nice half hour ride across the lake we headed to Westport, NY.  Stayed at Barber Homestead campground.  Really remote area, town didn't even have a stop light.

It was on the lake though and it was nice and quiet.

A little walking stick art work, courtesy of Rog.

First day we tried to head to Lake Placid, following Kennen's GPS.  We ended up in the middle of a  3000 participant 1/2 Iron Man race!  Let me tell you, we got real tired of waiting in lines of multiple cars for all the bicyclists.  They just kept coming!  Eventually we ended up at High Falls Gorge.  (a side note, the majority of natural attractions in New York are privately owned, they aren't state recreation areas).  Anyway, after what should have been a 45 minute ride, that ended up 1 1/2 hours we were glad to get out and explore.

The gorge follows a river and the views were spectacular.  Lots and lots and lots of steps!

We really enjoyed our afternoon and decided to head back to our campground and try for Lake Placid another day!

Next day we decided to go to Fort Ticonderoga.

 The fort was originally built by the French, it changed hands 3 times before the American's took possesion.  It was key in the French and Indian wars.

Within the fort there were several staff dressed in period clothing demonstrating life as it would have been.  

Check out the list above of famous people from the birth of our country who were in Ticonderoga.

Next day we decided to try to make it back to Lake Placid.  We wanted to visit the Olympic Sports complex.  We stopped first at the luge/skeleton and bobsled track.

These tracks are still used for training Olympic athletes.  It takes a team of employees 24/7 to maintain and keep the tracks open in the winter.  These tracks are the most dangerous and fastest tracks used today.

Next it was the ski jump park.

We rode the ski lift up to the top of the jump.

That's a long way down

 The view was amazing!

We were up on the top of this tower, close to 300 ft.

It was time to move on, we headed south to Watkins Glen at the south end of Seneca Lake part of the Finger Lakes in New York.

There are 832 steps in the state park.  We took every single one!

It was a wonderful day.  This is one of our favorite places to visit.

Our campsite.

Next stop Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio, about 60 miles southeast of Columbus, Ohio.  Our last stop on our 30 day saga.

The trails through the gorge are breathtaking and exhausting.  Well worth the effort though!


Much thanks to Kennen and Terri for joining us on this adventure!
We are going to leave you with one parting thought.  This is a big, wonderful, beautiful country.  Get out there and see what you can see, you won't regret it, we know we don't!